
使用 C# 下载文件的十八般武艺

文件下载是一个软件开发中的常见需求。本文从最简单的下载方式开始步步递进,讲述了文件下载过程中的常见问题并给出了解决方案。并展示了如何使用多线程提升 HTTP 的下载速度以及调用 aria2 实现非 HTTP 协议的文件下载。


在 .NET 程序中下载文件最简单的方式就是使用 WebClient 的 DownloadFile 方法:

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var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
using (var web = new WebClient())
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com"; var save = @"D:\1.html"; using (var web = new WebClient()) { web.DownloadFile(url,save); }
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
using (var web = new WebClient())



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var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
using (var web = new WebClient())
await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, save);
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com"; var save = @"D:\1.html"; using (var web = new WebClient()) { await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, save); }
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
using (var web = new WebClient())
	await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, save);


如果需要对文件下载请求进行定制,可以使用 HttpClient :

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var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
var http = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get,url);
//增加 Auth 请求头
var response = await http.SendAsync(request);
using (var fs = File.Open(save, FileMode.Create))
using (var ms = response.Content.ReadAsStream())
await ms.CopyToAsync(fs);
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com"; var save = @"D:\1.html"; var http = new HttpClient(); var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get,url); //增加 Auth 请求头 request.Headers.Add("Auth","123456"); var response = await http.SendAsync(request); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); using (var fs = File.Open(save, FileMode.Create)) { using (var ms = response.Content.ReadAsStream()) { await ms.CopyToAsync(fs); } }
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
var http = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get,url);
//增加 Auth 请求头
var response = await http.SendAsync(request);
using (var fs = File.Open(save, FileMode.Create))
	using (var ms = response.Content.ReadAsStream())
		await ms.CopyToAsync(fs);



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var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
if (!File.Exists(save))
using (var web = new WebClient())
await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, save);
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com"; var save = @"D:\1.html"; if (!File.Exists(save)) { Console.WriteLine("文件不存在,开始下载..."); using (var web = new WebClient()) { await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, save); } Console.WriteLine("文件下载成功"); } Console.WriteLine("开始处理文件"); //TODO:对文件进行处理
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
if (!File.Exists(save))
	using (var web = new WebClient())
		await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, save);

如果在 DownloadFileTaskAsync 方法中发生了异常(通常是网络中断或网络超时),那么下载不完整的文件将会保留在本地系统中。在该任务重试执行时,因为文件已存在(虽然它不完整)所以会直接进入处理程序,从而引入异常。


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var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
if (!File.Exists(save))
using (var web = new WebClient())
await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, save);
if (File.Exists(save))
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com"; var save = @"D:\1.html"; if (!File.Exists(save)) { Console.WriteLine("文件不存在,开始下载..."); using (var web = new WebClient()) { try { await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, save); } catch { if (File.Exists(save)) { File.Delete(save); } throw; } } Console.WriteLine("文件下载成功"); } Console.WriteLine("开始处理文件"); //TODO:对文件进行处理
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
if (!File.Exists(save))
	using (var web = new WebClient())
			await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, save);
			if (File.Exists(save))


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var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
if (!File.Exists(save))
var tmp = save + ".tmp";
using (var web = new WebClient())
await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, tmp);
File.Move(tmp, save, true);
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com"; var save = @"D:\1.html"; if (!File.Exists(save)) { Console.WriteLine("文件不存在,开始下载..."); //先下载到临时文件 var tmp = save + ".tmp"; using (var web = new WebClient()) { await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, tmp); } File.Move(tmp, save, true); Console.WriteLine("文件下载成功"); } Console.WriteLine("开始处理文件"); //TODO:对文件进行处理
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
if (!File.Exists(save))
	var tmp = save + ".tmp";
	using (var web = new WebClient())
		await web.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, tmp);
	File.Move(tmp, save, true);

使用 Downloader 进行 HTTP 多线程下载


Downloader 是一个现代化的、流畅的、异步的、可测试的和可移植的 .NET 库。这是一个包含异步进度事件的多线程下载程序。Downloader 与 .NET Standard 2.0 及以上版本兼容,可以在 Windows、Linux 和 macOS 上运行。

GitHub 开源地址: https://github.com/bezzad/Downloader

NuGet 地址:https://www.nuget.org/packages/Downloader

从 NuGet 安装 Downloader 之后,创建一个下载配置:

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var downloadOpt = new DownloadConfiguration()
BufferBlockSize = 10240, // 通常,主机最大支持8000字节,默认值为8000。
ChunkCount = 8, // 要下载的文件分片数量,默认值为1
MaximumBytesPerSecond = 1024 * 1024, // 下载速度限制为1MB/s,默认值为零或无限制
MaxTryAgainOnFailover = int.MaxValue, // 失败的最大次数
OnTheFlyDownload = false, // 是否在内存中进行缓存? 默认值是true
ParallelDownload = true, // 下载文件是否为并行的。默认值为false
TempDirectory = "C:\\temp", // 设置用于缓冲大块文件的临时路径,默认路径为Path.GetTempPath()。
Timeout = 1000, // 每个 stream reader 的超时(毫秒),默认值是1000
RequestConfiguration = // 定制请求头文件
Accept = "*/*",
AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate,
CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(), // Add your cookies
Headers = new WebHeaderCollection(), // Add your custom headers
KeepAlive = false,
ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11, // Default value is HTTP 1.1
UseDefaultCredentials = false,
UserAgent = $"DownloaderSample/{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(3)}"
var downloadOpt = new DownloadConfiguration() { BufferBlockSize = 10240, // 通常,主机最大支持8000字节,默认值为8000。 ChunkCount = 8, // 要下载的文件分片数量,默认值为1 MaximumBytesPerSecond = 1024 * 1024, // 下载速度限制为1MB/s,默认值为零或无限制 MaxTryAgainOnFailover = int.MaxValue, // 失败的最大次数 OnTheFlyDownload = false, // 是否在内存中进行缓存? 默认值是true ParallelDownload = true, // 下载文件是否为并行的。默认值为false TempDirectory = "C:\\temp", // 设置用于缓冲大块文件的临时路径,默认路径为Path.GetTempPath()。 Timeout = 1000, // 每个 stream reader 的超时(毫秒),默认值是1000 RequestConfiguration = // 定制请求头文件 { Accept = "*/*", AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate, CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(), // Add your cookies Headers = new WebHeaderCollection(), // Add your custom headers KeepAlive = false, ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11, // Default value is HTTP 1.1 UseDefaultCredentials = false, UserAgent = $"DownloaderSample/{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(3)}" } };
var downloadOpt = new DownloadConfiguration()
	BufferBlockSize = 10240, // 通常,主机最大支持8000字节,默认值为8000。
	ChunkCount = 8, // 要下载的文件分片数量,默认值为1
	MaximumBytesPerSecond = 1024 * 1024, // 下载速度限制为1MB/s,默认值为零或无限制
	MaxTryAgainOnFailover = int.MaxValue, // 失败的最大次数
	OnTheFlyDownload = false, // 是否在内存中进行缓存? 默认值是true
	ParallelDownload = true, // 下载文件是否为并行的。默认值为false
	TempDirectory = "C:\\temp", // 设置用于缓冲大块文件的临时路径,默认路径为Path.GetTempPath()。
	Timeout = 1000, // 每个 stream reader  的超时(毫秒),默认值是1000
	RequestConfiguration = // 定制请求头文件
		Accept = "*/*",
		AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate,
		CookieContainer =  new CookieContainer(), // Add your cookies
        Headers = new WebHeaderCollection(), // Add your custom headers
        KeepAlive = false,
		ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11, // Default value is HTTP 1.1
        UseDefaultCredentials = false,
		UserAgent = $"DownloaderSample/{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(3)}"


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var downloader = new DownloadService(downloadOpt);
var downloader = new DownloadService(downloadOpt);
var downloader = new DownloadService(downloadOpt);


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// Provide `FileName` and `TotalBytesToReceive` at the start of each downloads
// 在每次下载开始时提供 "文件名 "和 "要接收的总字节数"。
downloader.DownloadStarted += OnDownloadStarted;
// Provide any information about chunker downloads, like progress percentage per chunk, speed, total received bytes and received bytes array to live streaming.
// 提供有关分块下载的信息,如每个分块的进度百分比、速度、收到的总字节数和收到的字节数组,以实现实时流。
downloader.ChunkDownloadProgressChanged += OnChunkDownloadProgressChanged;
// Provide any information about download progress, like progress percentage of sum of chunks, total speed, average speed, total received bytes and received bytes array to live streaming.
// 提供任何关于下载进度的信息,如进度百分比的块数总和、总速度、平均速度、总接收字节数和接收字节数组的实时流。
downloader.DownloadProgressChanged += OnDownloadProgressChanged;
// Download completed event that can include occurred errors or cancelled or download completed successfully.
// 下载完成的事件,可以包括发生错误或被取消或下载成功。
downloader.DownloadFileCompleted += OnDownloadFileCompleted;
// Provide `FileName` and `TotalBytesToReceive` at the start of each downloads // 在每次下载开始时提供 "文件名 "和 "要接收的总字节数"。 downloader.DownloadStarted += OnDownloadStarted; // Provide any information about chunker downloads, like progress percentage per chunk, speed, total received bytes and received bytes array to live streaming. // 提供有关分块下载的信息,如每个分块的进度百分比、速度、收到的总字节数和收到的字节数组,以实现实时流。 downloader.ChunkDownloadProgressChanged += OnChunkDownloadProgressChanged; // Provide any information about download progress, like progress percentage of sum of chunks, total speed, average speed, total received bytes and received bytes array to live streaming. // 提供任何关于下载进度的信息,如进度百分比的块数总和、总速度、平均速度、总接收字节数和接收字节数组的实时流。 downloader.DownloadProgressChanged += OnDownloadProgressChanged; // Download completed event that can include occurred errors or cancelled or download completed successfully. // 下载完成的事件,可以包括发生错误或被取消或下载成功。 downloader.DownloadFileCompleted += OnDownloadFileCompleted;
// Provide `FileName` and `TotalBytesToReceive` at the start of each downloads
// 在每次下载开始时提供 "文件名 "和 "要接收的总字节数"。
downloader.DownloadStarted += OnDownloadStarted;

// Provide any information about chunker downloads, like progress percentage per chunk, speed, total received bytes and received bytes array to live streaming.
// 提供有关分块下载的信息,如每个分块的进度百分比、速度、收到的总字节数和收到的字节数组,以实现实时流。
downloader.ChunkDownloadProgressChanged += OnChunkDownloadProgressChanged;

// Provide any information about download progress, like progress percentage of sum of chunks, total speed, average speed, total received bytes and received bytes array to live streaming.
// 提供任何关于下载进度的信息,如进度百分比的块数总和、总速度、平均速度、总接收字节数和接收字节数组的实时流。
downloader.DownloadProgressChanged += OnDownloadProgressChanged;

// Download completed event that can include occurred errors or cancelled or download completed successfully.
// 下载完成的事件,可以包括发生错误或被取消或下载成功。
downloader.DownloadFileCompleted += OnDownloadFileCompleted;


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string file = @"D:\1.html";
string url = @"https://www.coderbusy.com";
await downloader.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, file);
string file = @"D:\1.html"; string url = @"https://www.coderbusy.com"; await downloader.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, file);
string file = @"D:\1.html";
string url = @"https://www.coderbusy.com";
await downloader.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, file);

下载非 HTTP 协议的文件

除了 WebClient 可以下载 FTP 协议的文件之外,上文所示的其他方法只能下载 HTTP 协议的文件。

aria2 是一个轻量级的多协议和多源命令行下载工具。它支持 HTTP/HTTPS、FTP、SFTP、BitTorrent 和 Metalink。aria2 可以通过内置的 JSON-RPC 和 XML-RPC 接口进行操作。

我们可以调用 aria2 实现文件下载功能。

GitHub 地址:https://github.com/aria2/aria2


将下载好的 aria2c.exe 复制到应用程序目录,如果是其他系统则可以下载对应的二进制文件。

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public static async Task Download(string url, string fn)
var exe = "aria2c";
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(fn);
var name = Path.GetFileName(fn);
void Output(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs args)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args.Data))
Console.WriteLine("Aria:{0}", args.Data?.Trim());
var args = $"-x 8 -s 8 --dir={dir} --out={name} {url}";
var info = new ProcessStartInfo(exe, args)
UseShellExecute = false,
CreateNoWindow = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
RedirectStandardError = true,
if (File.Exists(fn))
Console.WriteLine("启动 aria2c: {0}", args);
using (var p = new Process { StartInfo = info, EnableRaisingEvents = true })
if (!p.Start())
throw new Exception("aria 启动失败");
p.ErrorDataReceived += Output;
p.OutputDataReceived += Output;
await p.WaitForExitAsync();
p.OutputDataReceived -= Output;
p.ErrorDataReceived -= Output;
var fi = new FileInfo(fn);
if (!fi.Exists || fi.Length == 0)
throw new FileNotFoundException("文件下载失败", fn);
public static async Task Download(string url, string fn) { var exe = "aria2c"; var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(fn); var name = Path.GetFileName(fn); void Output(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs args) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args.Data)) { return; } Console.WriteLine("Aria:{0}", args.Data?.Trim()); } var args = $"-x 8 -s 8 --dir={dir} --out={name} {url}"; var info = new ProcessStartInfo(exe, args) { UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true, }; if (File.Exists(fn)) { File.Delete(fn); } Console.WriteLine("启动 aria2c: {0}", args); using (var p = new Process { StartInfo = info, EnableRaisingEvents = true }) { if (!p.Start()) { throw new Exception("aria 启动失败"); } p.ErrorDataReceived += Output; p.OutputDataReceived += Output; p.BeginOutputReadLine(); p.BeginErrorReadLine(); await p.WaitForExitAsync(); p.OutputDataReceived -= Output; p.ErrorDataReceived -= Output; } var fi = new FileInfo(fn); if (!fi.Exists || fi.Length == 0) { throw new FileNotFoundException("文件下载失败", fn); } }
public static async Task Download(string url, string fn)
	var exe = "aria2c";
	var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(fn);
	var name = Path.GetFileName(fn);

	void Output(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs args)
		if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args.Data))
		Console.WriteLine("Aria:{0}", args.Data?.Trim());

	var args = $"-x 8 -s 8 --dir={dir} --out={name} {url}";
	var info = new ProcessStartInfo(exe, args)
		UseShellExecute = false,
		CreateNoWindow = true,
		RedirectStandardOutput = true,
		RedirectStandardError = true,
	if (File.Exists(fn))

	Console.WriteLine("启动 aria2c: {0}", args);
	using (var p = new Process { StartInfo = info, EnableRaisingEvents = true })
		if (!p.Start())
			throw new Exception("aria 启动失败");
		p.ErrorDataReceived += Output;
		p.OutputDataReceived += Output;
		await p.WaitForExitAsync();
		p.OutputDataReceived -= Output;
		p.ErrorDataReceived -= Output;

	var fi = new FileInfo(fn);
	if (!fi.Exists || fi.Length == 0)
		throw new FileNotFoundException("文件下载失败", fn);

以上代码通过命令行参数启动了一个新的 aria2c 下载进程,并对下载进度信息输出在了控制台。调用方式如下:

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var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
await Download(url, save);
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com"; var save = @"D:\1.html"; await Download(url, save);
var url = "https://www.coderbusy.com";
var save = @"D:\1.html";
await Download(url, save);

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未经允许不得转载:码农很忙 » 使用 C# 下载文件的十八般武艺

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